UAL Foundation Art & Design (FAD)

The appearance of this piece is very pleasing to the eye. With bright colours and bold text that make the viewer think and it’s deeper meanings makes this a very visually and philosophically stunning art work. Each picture can relate with different people which can help them feel secure and not alone. Through simplicity this piece of art work has achieved a great deal of meaning.

UAL Level 3 Art & Design

I like how these pieces are framed and how the drawing inside works well with the orientation of the frames. There is something ethereal about the symbols and creatures depicted inside. Due to the pictures being dark and spooky, you could assume the drawings are ghosts or even angels come to collect souls.

UAL Game Art & Concepts

I like how this piece is composed in a way of a classic movie trailer and comic book all in one. It has humour and graphic novel style art work that help it stand out against the other pieces that were displayed around it. It tells the audience a story enough to pull you in however not enough to tell you everything that happens, leaving you in suspense.

UAL Level 3 Graphic Design

The fact this artist designed his own polygonal display stands out against the rest in the room. His display is unique and is composed in a satisfying way. I’m not sure if it was a design choice or a layout flaw however, the way the layout sheets are portrait and not landscape as the should be, actually add to the feel of the overall vibe of the presentation.

UAL Level 3 Photography

I like the simplicity of the artists work and how they’ve captured people’s lives in a fleeting moment. I also like the composition of the pieces and how they show the subject in an interesting light, angle or area. Each of these components represent the persons life and what they do in it, such as what they work as or how their past has been. Each picture is personal and holds something dear to the person in the image itself. This can be a lasting memory for the family and friends of this person which makes the pieces unique and special.

UAL Level 3 Textiles, Fashion & Design

I really like the simplicity of this piece and how the black and white contrast against each other to create a dramatic effect and make the whole piece stand out. The chains wrapped around the waist can be symbolic of many things and thus allows the wearer it viewer to decide what its true meaning is. The project was a two piece set however I believed the corset was more striking and a much better piece to represent her work to show off a lighter side of the macabre.

UAL Level 2 Art &Design

I really like these pieces as they have been fully personalised and customised to the person who created them. The pieces of covered in pop culture film references that even break into the Japanese industry. Each piece is centred around horror or dark films that changed the industry. These pieces would make a striking style that would make any body stand out in public. I love the darker side he took with these pieces and the fact that they have a contemporary style makes his work stand out from the rest.

UAL Level 1 Art & Design

I like this piece created by Byron because of how the colours have been blended together to create shines and depths. The style of the characters are pleasing to the eye and simple. The fact he personalised this piece by using his friends and putting them in as Sims characters make it an interesting and unique piece. It has a very pop culture vibe about it and you can tell it has had a lot of love put into it.

3D Digital Evaluation

For my final game map, I designed a small world consisting of snow topped mountains, grass lands with a small lake in the centre which is surrounded by shrubs and rocks on the banks. Even though the world is small, it does not feel claustrophobic at all and actually gives the player a sense of safety and it has a calming atmosphere that can make the players feel right at home. By using the unclimbable mountains as a border, it also acts as the world boundaries. This is good because the character can not fall endlessly off the edge which can ruin a players experience of the entire game, if it was ever to become one. I had a theme hat I set myself of “Peace and Tranquility” and I experimented with a few ideas before settling on this one.

When I first started learning about using the unreal Engine, I had no previous experiences with it at all. Throughout the time I have been experimenting with the lighting, the sizes and the depths of content I can  drag and drop into the world, I have gained knowledge on how to make a First Person Shooter game (FPS) which is one of the worlds most popular and violent game genre out currently, closely followed by RPGs ( Role Playing Game). Learning how to make the most popular genre gives you a head start into game design, games concept or even environment concept artist job opportunities in the near future. It also allows me to think about different career paths I could take when going into University.

Unfortunately, I had missed a lot of lessons which put me quite behind my classmates which gave me little time to complete my game world. This meant I had to consider what I can do that would look clean and complete yet fit into the deadline. This is where I considered making a small game world that I could make flourish with animated content. I then had think about what I could have in to make my world fit in with the theme of “Peace and Tranquility”. I decided to combine a few aspects of what people find peaceful to create something that is full of calming atmosphere and has a safe vibe. By putting animated content in, it makes the world feel alive and busy instead of still , boring and dead. It also adds a slight weather effect with how the trees and plants sway. I also tried to make it interesting for the player by making the water area swimmable and if I could, I would have added fish or seaweed to make the underneath interesting to explore.

Overall, I am happy with the way my game world turned out, however now that I know what I am doing and having all the skills I have gained, I would create a similar concept on a larger scale, adding in robust villages with full furnished buildings and pathways. Inspired by Skyrims environments however more safe and friendly.

Unit 6 Assignment

Idea and concept for a game world

Before I even start creating the game, I have had to consider what genre I want the world to represent and the target audience and even how someone would play the game itself. Devloping a game is a huge project which usually tends to require multiple people working on it at once, however I can only rely on my own skills to create this. I am planning to include objects such as lights, houses with animated doors, forests, flowing waters and of course, a landscape.

My inital idea before doing into creating a game world on my own is to keep it relatively simple and clean yet intersting to look at and walk around in. Where there will be no enemies howeer, I will use animations such as smoke and activated lighting to make the world feel alive along with other animated objects, such as animated doors on houses. By having animated doors, I can cerate an interior for houses and make each house slightly differnt. I will be using starter textures provided to me to create the unique looking interiors and i am planning for these houses to be two floors high. Between the rows of houses with flow a large and deep river which the player will have access to swim in. The houses will be surronded by a dense forest which will be surronded by snowy hills and mountins which will act as the border for the map.

Genre/type of game play

My game will be have first person view with a first person shooter type game play, even though there will be no enemies the environment is still interactable. I do not have a particular genre to label my game which such as ‘horror’ however I plan on it being a calm and peaceful walking simulator type of expierence.

Target audience

The target audience I will try and reach my game out to will br the general public. It is suitable for all ages however, the player might have to be slightly more mature than a child or teenager to enjoy just walking around and enjoying the environment as they are no particular game play options.

Level design maps


This is my really simplistic map of what I want my actual game map to look like. A small map which consists of snowy mountains, a small lake area with rocky banks with flower bushes circling it. I want to make the environment  feel alive even in a small space and feel like a safe space and have a calming atmosphere.

Final Map Design



This is my final map design, I am happy with the way it turned out as I did not think I would pick up all the intricate details and skills that are required to create a game world. Even though it is only a small world, I have managed to make it a flowing environment and make it look as if it was just selected from a larger world. I have changed from what I wanted to do in the synopsis however, I am happier with this design than the other one I could have created.