Macro Best

The reason why I like this particular image is the composistion of it, the way the camera has focused  on the minute cracks and paint peelings coming off of the rusted bar. The way the background is blurred right up to the edge of the bar is satisfying. This image is slightly different and a little more interesting as the middle ground is sharp, crisp and in focus whereas, the foreground and the background are completely blurred and hazed.where1The textures of this image portray a rough, corrosive sensation where as in reality, the piece was smooth and gentle. Having to look closely at the image, and still not knowing what it could be or where it would have been taken, makes this photogrpagh even more interesting. Especially due to the colours and composistion of the lines and markings making it look like a style ‘t’ shape. IMG_1328I found this image to be one if not the best image I took whilst looking for ‘Strange Places’. The quality looks amazing and professional, I particularly adore the way it gets gradually more blurred the further the image retreats. I appreciate the way all the different colours, textures and fonts make this a more imteresting image rather than making it look flat ad boring.IMG_1388This has got to be my  favourite image just due to how adorable I find it. Whilst looking for faces in objects, I came across this little guy who is actually a hinge on the side of a ladder. I love the raw and pure sad emotion in his face and how it resenates with everyone who sees him. The colours look amazing and the contract of the bright yellow background and rustic browns and blacks truly enforces the sorrowful emotion the little guy puts into the world.face1

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