Final Animation


This is my final animation. Over 100 frames put into a 5 second GIF. I used Photoshop with a 12 pixel wide stroke with a 10% smoothness, this helped to create the sketchy inked style of the whole animation. The way it moves almost radically helps with the uneasy feeling and motion of the concept of abandonment, how the journey is full of bumps and turns and never feels right or stable. The writing was supposed to represent a childs handwriting, soft, curved and slanted. This animation took me nearly three weeks, without all the research and planning. I felt the Macs held me back as it was very hard and rare to find one that works with the tablet and the programmes work without crashing every second. As you can tell. I have had to cut my animation short, this is because realised I would not have enough time to do the complex ending if I wanted to get the deadline.As such I left it as a “To be continued” which also fits in with the theme of Abandonment, as the viewers were abandoned of an ending.



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