Swimmable Waters

unnamed.pngGo to file/new level/ default then drag across a geometry box across, resize so it is big enough for a swimming pool.

Now copy/paste this, resize to smaller so it fits in the first box and set to subtractive and sit inside first box.

Dead across volume/ physics

In the properties of the physics volume, tick on water volume and physics on contact.

Change fluid friction to 7 to slow it down

Go to content browser then firstPersonBP/ firstPersonCharacter

Now go to top left and click on characterMovement(inherited) then change buoyancy on the right of the screen to 0.5 (to make it bob in the water)

Go back to your level map and drag across a basic/ plane then resize and sit it on top of the pool

Go to content browser the drag across a lake material and put it on the plane on the pool.

In the plane properties change to no collision so the player can fall through the water. ss.png

Unit 6 Week 8

In today’s lesson we have looked at how to create lighting and and trigger interactions with the player. We have learnt how to make these interactions happen by using the blueprint mode and using modes to create a simple series of code to make everything happen. We also learnt more about creating the world and how to use textures.

Game World Synopsis

My initial idea for my game world is, a simple walk through Forrest surrounded by mountains and some lakes within. I am thinking about doing a Middle Earth inspired mountain range with snowy peaks. The atmosphere will be bright and yet it will be very lonely. There will be little interaction within the game world. Interactions would include opening doors/windows, turning lights on and lunging fires. I am aiming for a peaceful walk through as my game world. There will be a lot of textures to used to make the world more interested and a lot of lights to create that cosy atmosphere.

There will be a few small houses or cabins in the corner of the map, representing a small village. This will be where most of the player interaction is. Interactions such as opening doors and windows. Lighting fires and turning on lights. Around the map there will be places where you could interact with the water and even swim in it. I am still in the process of learning how to creat physics in the game. I am also hoping to have a small amount of physics in my game when it comes to objects such as buckets and the way plants and trees move.

My target audience will be teenagers and above as I believe younger children would find the concept of just exploring a little boring. I will try and make my game world as visually appealing and different as possible. However, I only have a short amount of time on this project and I am not truest certain on how the world will actually turn out.



Generate And Identify A Concept For A Game World

I have been developing a game using the Unreal Engine. There are multiple user requirements to take in to account such as the genre, the playability and who it is directed at. To develop a game, you need a huge team of people, and a extended amount of time to create a working and good looking game. As I am only working on my own and have a time limit, I have decided to keep my game relatively simple. Most of the time, I will be learning how to use the software. My initial ideas are to include a house, Forrest, lighting, simple animations and water.

I am hoping to produce a game aimed at teenagers (13-18) with the game genre being a FPS (First Person Shooter). Even though it is in a FPS style, it will not be a violent looking game. What I plan on doing is creating something to match up with the seasons I am working on. Currently it is Halloween season and why the time I finish it will be Christmas/Hanukkah. As such I aim to create a world which is dark and brooding yet peaceful and still. The darkness will put you on edge but in reality you are completely safe.

Walls And Borders

Today we played around with walls and foliage within Unreal Engine. Learning how to create borders so the player doesn’t fall or drop off the edge forever. We are slowly learning how to create invisible barriers as well. I believe this is next lesson. By importing another content folder, we are beginning to create an actual map with details. More effects and textures will be added to make it a comprehensible game. I may need to adapt the trees/forest so the player is able to navigate it. I need to work on borders and the sizing of the walls.

Unit 6 Digital (Basics)

In these lessons we have been learning how to use the game engine Unreal. We have been going through all the basics such as content, scales, depth, playability and much more. This is a simple house design I made by using basic geometry and subtracting. I played with textures and colours to help myself learn

Learning About Games

Currently, we are learning about games. Ranging from the the types of games made, how they are made,what goes into making them and what it takes to become a Games Dev (Games Developer). During this course, I will be learning the basics of how to use the Unreal Engine. This is a free to use Engine anyone can use.

This really surprised me as I have played many games that have been created by this Engine that are amazing and seemingly complex. I am really looking forward to create something on their level and even trying play it myself. I know I will most likely struggle with this part of my course however I will give it everything I have. This seems exciting to me and something that will be really for me to learn and pass on in future to hopeful employers.