Platform Games


Super Mario – 2D 3D side scroller

Shovel Knight – 64-bit

Sonic – adventure side scroller

Rayman – Fantasy side scroller, easy puzzles

Kitsune Zenko – Japanese fox puzzle scroller

Maramusa – samurai hack and slash side scroller

Night In The Woods – Anthropomorphic adventure

Battle Block Theatre – multiplayer battle simulation

Blade Kitten – sci-fi/ fantasy adventure/ action

First/Third Person Games


Call Of Duty – FPS, war, multiplayer

Battlefield – war, FPS

Final Fantasy/ Kingdom Hearts – fantasy, Disney, slash and hack

Dragon Quest – fantasy, RPG

Abe – space, alien adventure

Legend of Zelda – fantasy, adventure

Alice: Madness – psycho adventure

Skyrim – fantasy exploration

Thief- London RPG

Assassins Creed – RPG

Digimon – Monster, adventure RPG

Devil May Cry – Demon Hunter, hack and slash

God Games


Sims – family, life, simulation

Chivalry – controlling medieval characters

White vs Black – control fantasy army

Plague inc – create diseases, kill everyone

Spore – evolution, create tribes, design spacecraft, survive

Roller Coaster Tycoon – Business, social

God Game Concept

Demon Control:

You can control a Demon army fighting against Heavenly creatures. The more you fight and level up, you level up your Demons and can eventually evolve them and rise up in the Demon tiers. Starting off with a small base camp and with weak Demons such as Imps, grow and spread throughout The Seven Circles of Hell and eventually Invade Heaven. The objective is to overthrow God and become the new Overlord.

Platform Game Concept

Neon Heights:

Endless nighttime runner set in a futuristic city. Dark colours with bright neon lights. You run across rooftops and collect coins, special items and sometimes event items. The object of the game is to avoid obstacles and get to the end of each level. Obstacles such as helicopters, traps, police, dogs etc. Each item you collect goes to affording new cosmetic gear, new characters and power ups, maybe even new landscapes.

3D Landscape Model

I created a small yet effective model of a futuristic city scape and made it 3D and put perspective into it. I chose this image as I really liked the aesthetics of the image, the bright colours really make the image pop and how the composistion of the image is simple yet holds alot of detail.

I first started with four of these, each piece was going to be another layer to give it that 3D pop out affect I am after. Each of these images were spray mounted and fixed to a thick foam board to increase the strength as to make it more stable when creating the model.

I first got one of the boards and decided which part of the would fit each layer. Background. Middle-ground and foreground. Once I decided this I took a sharp blade and started slicing into the foam to get precise and clean cuts on the sky scrapers. Once I got the clean cut and cleaned up the edges I used the foam pieces that remained from cutting the boarders and used it to prop up the middle ground. This caused the middle ground to look distanced from the background and look like it was becoming more 3D.

I did the same and used a ruler to cut out the ocean reflection to make sure the cut was as straight and precise as possible. For this foreground I decided to make it look angled as to get a more powerful perspective to make it seem like it was coming out towards the viewer. To do this I used more of the discarded foam pieces and layered them at a steep angle to and used doubled sided sticky pads to stick it to the base of the the middle-ground. This propped it up at the bottom to make the bottom of the foam appear as it is coming outwards.

After finished this I decided to create a box to enclose it all. This would force the perspectives even more and make it look cleaner and just better in general. Making it a small model of a city. I can say I am really happy with the way this one turned out and would love to do it again as I feel I could do better and create a more detailed one with more layers and a more complex image.

1st Person/ 3rd Person Genre

‘Firstperson shooter (FPS) is a video game genre centered around gun and other weapon-based combat in a firstperson perspective; that is, the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist.’

First person games are usually associated with the massive game genre FPS (First Person Shooter). Which are very prominent in the gaming market currently with games such as COD and CS:GO being as popular as they are.

Doom was one of the first and most ground breaking game of that generation and is still regarded as one of the greatest games ever made.

Doom was released December 10 1993 developed by Midway Games, id Software and Nerve Software. This game, including all of its sequels, has grossed around 10Million copies. Making the developers billions and counting.

Call Of Duty was released 29 October 2003 by Activision on the Xbox. They have produced many sequels to it and a new release comes out every year or so. The game itself has grossed around 30.71 million since 2011 and every day hundred if not thousands, are bought increasing that.

‘Thirdperson shooter (TPS) is a subgenre of 3D shooter games in which the player character is visible on-screen during gaming, and the gameplay consists primarily of shooting.’

‘Third Person Perspective is when the playable character is seen at a distance from a number of different angles. There is generally a moveable camera but it can also be in a fixed position.’

Devil May Cry, it may not be the biggest Third Person Game however, it it one of my favourites. This game has a detailed anime and manga based on it and it’s backstory which is well loved by fans of all genres and consoles. Devil May Cry is a game about Dante, a demon hunter who wields Ebony and Ivory (Two guns) and Rebellion (His sword) in order to fight against evil. It is classed as a hack and slash game/anime and has a profoundly recognised art style. DMC has had 4 games in its series and an American version made in 2013.