Social Media Extension

Advantages: Find wider range/ sources, find out different age group opinions, free, easy to use

Disadvantages: inappropriate answers (swearing), lack of responses, lack of variety (group of friends all the same), lonely.

Pros And Cons Of Social Media

From my research, there have only been positive responses and nice comments however I chose who to message so I could actually gather research. On the other hand, I am sure my classmates would have got some less positive answers, joking or not.

The pros of social media is that it connects people from all around the world and you can learn so much from other cultures and others stories and problems. So much knowledge can be obtained and so many amazing people can be met and so many extraordinary experiences can be shared. You can gather information quickly without much hassle and social media alerts you when you’ve got an answer.

The cons of social media is that there are so many people out there that you don’t know who you are going to meet. Weather they will be nice people or not. By asking a simple question you could receive so many negative and horrible answers and comments that just aren’t necessary. There is also too much information sometimes to sort through and it is hard to define what it true and what it fake information.

Social Media

Here I was given the task of collecting data about people’s favourite games and why they liked them so much. It could range from graphics to mechanics to music and anything in between. I know that I don’t have many friends and am not going to get any response on a public forum or if I put a status out so I decided to ask close friends their opinions. All was positive and a couple were little strange but nothing negative came from it. Here is the responses I gathered. I used the social media Discord and Facebook Messenger to achieve this.

1970s Culture

The 70s fashion was based on work wear. Professional and smart. Even though the silhouettes are fairly similar with the pencil pants/ skirts and boxy body, the clothes came in a wide range of colours and patterns. The patterns were simple, usually lines, simple shapes or floral. The floral pattern is inspired by the hippies and the peace movement. The wear was usually broken up by a thick belt. There wasn’t much use of accessories used other than thick plain belts, gloves and a French hat.

The music in the 70s were still very rock and roll orientated. With The Jackson 5 huge and bands like KISS making it onto the scene. This was also the year for GlamMetal/GlamRock, where men would wore outrageous (at the time) make up, big hair, platform boots and look as crazy or glittered up as they wanted. Abba had their hit songs Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen which are still hits and favourites of pretty much everyone out there. All the music created centred around peace, love and values. Even rock music had a core message that meant something positive. The 70s were still a very family oriented time, with board games still being huge and a necessity in the household. A lot of the board games created in this era are still played by families all over the world today. The games industry only just started gaining speed and notice from the general public, releasing mainly 8-bit racings games and space style games. The main games people remember are BattleShips and Bowling on the Atari.

1980s Culture

The 80s were very concerned about health and fitness. This leading to the main fashion trend being sporty and athletic. Bright colours and white trainers was what every ‘trendy’ person wore. Everyone could be seen with sweat bands, spandex and a fanny pack. Every TV channel showcased a range of fitness programmes and fitness dvds took over the shelves in every store.

The 80s were home to some of the greatest singers and bands to come out. Guns n Roses, Micheal Jackson, David Bowie etc. The 80s was very much rock and roll as the disco era of the 70s were slowly dying out. Many artists from the 80s are still making music today with dedicated fans passing their love for the music down to their children.


The 80s were the years of the video games. The beginning of something that would change the world and change the lives of teenagers and adults alike. This was the birth of the Nintendo we know today. Before Nintendo started making games, they produced collector cards for sports. Coming from Nintendo, Donkey Kong. The first appearance of Mario, which we see today in a case series of Super Mario. This game was one of the most popular games played in the arcades for a long time. It still has a lot of fans today, old and new.

Qubert, a very simplistic game that anyone could play, simple mechanics and story. It is most famous for having something quite controversial at the time. When Qubert gets hit symbols appear over his head in a speech bubble, many thought this was just a strange language but he was actually cursing.

1990s Games,Fashion, Music

The eras fashion was led by neon colours, tracksuits and designer wear.

Games consisted of 64bit graphics, most famous games include Street Fighter, Super Mario and Legend Of Zelda.

The film industry which was led by Quinten Taratino, who directed Scarface, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs.

Blackburn had a rave culture, same with Manchester. The raves were illegal and shut down consistantly.

Crash of 1983

Crash of 1983

The crash of 1983 is defined by the games industry and how the public began to view it. Since the beginning of video games, such as Pac-Man and Contra, the technology has sky rocketed the way people live. Arcades being created all around America, being the main ‘hangout spot’ for teenagers and young adults alike. The reason why people were and still are invested in games is because of how open it can be. Anyone can create anything they wish, create new worlds, new characters, new stories and even be educational.
The start of the crash happened when American games companies decided to rush the processes, drive developers to create games in a matter of months and all for the sake of sales and money. The more corrupt the companies become, the more the games became worse and the more the people lost hope in games becoming something they wanted in their lives.
Alot of people demanded older games such as Pac-Man to be made to transferred to newer devices and thus due to the rush, the companies ruined the games look, design and sometimes mechanics.


1960s Culture

1960s fashion was very silhouette based, with a small waist, and a bell bottom. This goes for men and women. When searching for 1960s fashion, mostly women pop up. This is due to women leading a fashion movement of sorts since coming out of the world wars. During the wars, the women would wear ‘manly’ attire and work in factory’s and mills, holding down the fort and helping out those at war. The bright colours, loud patterns and eye hurting ‘textures’ was a sort of rebellion from the dark and drab clothing they had to wear. The womanly silhouette also has a connection to this, alongside the small feminist movements that were going on at the time. The 60s are often defined at the start of the ‘Hippy’ era. The message of peace and happiness was wildly spread throughout however it did not come with no consequences. Many of the silent protests were arrested, harmed and even killed during what was supposed to be a protest again hate. Quite ironic if you think about it. I know quite a bit already about the era having parents who grew up during that time and them sharing their experiences with me over the years.

Not only was it the beginning of the Hippy Era but it was also the beginning of the Punk Era. Where bands like The Trashwomen was extremely popular yet Underground. The Punk Era lead to more violent protests that often turned to riots as moletovs could be seen being thrown around the streets of London. It was all in the aid of free speech, freedom and more of less being free from the government.

Where we have a huge range of games today with a variety of consoles to choose, in the 60s the games to have were board games, card games and war games. War games refers to the Dungeons and Dragons style of game play. Imaginative and allowed people to come together. In the 60s the games that were created oriented around family values. No matter which board game, card game or war game you played, it would always include someone else, there was not many games you could play with yourself. Board games like monopoly both brought the family together and separated them through family feuds.